For Auld Lang Syne…

Y’all Listen.. I only consider myself slightly superstitious when it comes to certain things. Someone once told me that if you wash laundry on New Year’s Day that you would spend the whole year doing it. I also grew up eating pork and sauerkraut on the first day of January to bring luck. Having now... Continue Reading →

Keeping My Own Pace…

There have been many times in my Life where I have chosen to change direction. I have been known to say that I don't like change, but if you really know me, that might seem to be a bit contradictory. The last year or so has really made me think hard about the things and... Continue Reading →

In The Twilight…

Once upon a Family Vacation; we were heading to the Jersey Shore, and it was raining. It would have been sad that it was raining on the start of our vacation regardless of course- but there's more. My Daddy smoked these large, rather fragrant cigars. Despite my Mom's asking, he refused to roll the windows... Continue Reading →

I can’t Help Falling…

Hello Life!! Y'all Listen...In my Life, I have always been able to recognize moments of clarity. It might sound a little insane, but really...who are we talking about here? I feel like I have known when things were ending, when they were beginning, and the exact moments that I needed to let go, and fall.... Continue Reading →

In the Last Decade…

Y'all Listen, I cannot even believe it. Today is the TEN year anniversary of me..moving into my apartment! I had lived in a smaller one just across the pond (ok a man made lake) and I knew I was ready for the nicer place, the better area. This one even has a dog park! It... Continue Reading →

Through the Years…

There is a Kenny Rogers song with this title, and maybe I'm thinking of it because he recently passed away. But more so, I am thinking about the years that pass. While we are all so busy trying to build a life, trying to get ahead. I have heard it said that Life passes most... Continue Reading →

Into the Great Wide Open…

There are parts of me that never thought I would be writing this. I knew that there would be a piece of my story that included skydiving, but not really falling. Part of catching you up is to tell you that in the Summer of 2018, I went skydiving. It was something that I had... Continue Reading →

The Winds of Change..

Ya’ll listen... I had a dream that I hadn’t written a blog post or let you know what all was going on with me in THREE MONTHS. Then I woke up and realized that it was true. To say that the last time I posted seems like even longer than that is a true understatement,... Continue Reading →

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