Riding with Strangers…

From a young age we are taught some very fundamental things that adults thought would keep us safe.  Don’t talk to strangers, and don’t take rides from strangers are two of these things.  Along with don’t take candy from strangers and don’t put paper clips in light sockets..okay maybe that last one was just for me.  The thought here is that if you are with someone you know, than you are safe, and if you are with a stranger, you aren’t.  I can’t really get on board with that since some of my best friends were total strangers not all that long ago.  What had us all so scared of strangers? Was it all the episodes of Unsolved Mysteries?

Before everyone loses their minds, I do of course know all the dangers that come with being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I do know that children are being taken and hurt in this country at an alarming rate.  There are serious concerns when you are in an environment where you are not with people that you know.  Not only for children, but for adults as well, predominantly females; there is always a concern for safety.  We are taught as young women to travel in packs so nothing happens to us.  In the Navy we were never allowed to leave the ship without at least one “Liberty Buddy”.  It makes me wonder if the world really is designed to not trust each other.  How am I supposed to meet all these new exciting people that are supposedly out there around every corner, if they all look like Robert Stack might tell me about them next week? The people that are killers don’t carry a sign telling us to stay away.

The reason that I am thinking about strangers, and the potential dangers of meeting them is actually a really simple concept that many have not really taken to in a huge way, is Uber (there is also Lyft, but I have never used them personally). I am not new to it at all. I  recently had some conversations with friends, and also with some drivers that made me think more about it, and what the whole concept really means.  In theory, I am setting up a ride, with a stranger, and actually getting upset if they don’t talk to me during said ride.  I have never met this person, all I have is a description of the vehicle, a license plate, and the name of the person that I have just given my address to, asking them to come and get me, or to take me home.

The conversations that I have most recently had with some friends, and also the drivers have been interesting ones and also in some ways thought provoking.  There are actually people that think its silly for me to take an Uber if I have been drinking.  They have reasoned with me that it could be expensive, that I was trusting my safety to a total stranger, that it was  inconvenient to leave my car at home. Y’all listen.  How many of you have ever  been charged with Driving Under the Influence? In some states its also called Operating While Intoxicated or Operating Under the Influence, among others. However you term it, if you speak to someone that has ever had one, they can tell you a few things about how life altering and damaging it can be.

I was charged with Driving Under the Influence.  It was 13 years ago.  I crashed a car into a phone booth and two palm trees in the early morning hours of what had been a rainy night.  I can say that I did have a designated driver and she left me.  I can say that the roads were slick.  I can also tell you that none of that matters. I was intoxicated, and I got behind the wheel of a car.  I could have hurt or killed myself or someone else.  I was arrested, I was booked into jail, and went to court the next morning where I was sentenced to probation; several thousands of dollars in fines and the loss of my drivers license for one year.  I knew that if I only waited that one year, that I would probably drive drunk again.  I didn’t drive for five and a half years.  This was in the days before Uber.  I took the bus, I walked, I called taxis.  I made it work because that was my self inflicted punishment.

Fast forward to now.  I have a car, I have a clean drivers license, and I enjoy traveling and going out. Well what is a gal to do when she wants to have some adult libations with friends, and also be able to get around town?  She sets up an Uber.  I have the app on my phone, my address and debit card number saved, and even a picture of myself in my profile.  For less than $30 you can get pretty much anywhere in this city.  I get to have my drinks and get home safe too.  If anyone laughs at you for taking an Uber, tell them that I said they are a jerk.

In my travels with Uber I have met some wonderful people. I have never had a driver that was rude to me, or even not nice.  I have however had a very very silent ride where I actually had just had a red bull.  The silence mixed with all my energy was terrible! Some drivers have been doing this for a long time, while others have just started.  Many of them drive as supplemental income to their regular jobs. One driver told me that he also drives for Lyft, and when I mentioned that to others over time, I found that to be pretty normal.  That helps them to find riders faster, along with staying close to main highways so they can turn around quickly if they need to. I found out that the there is A LOT of early morning traffic for people to get to work, and there are TONS of people that need rides to the airport.  I guess for the purpose that I have used Uber for, the actual practicality of it had never struck me.

The last thing that I have learned from riding in cars with strangers is that they are are, for the most part, awesome people too.  When you get in the car, just say hello, and verify their name.  I have had drivers offer me a cell phone charger and a water, one hooked me up with mints and asked if I needed a snack, yet another asked if there was any music in particular I liked, and which roads were better to get me home fast.  I have had many laughs and great conversation with some of my drivers.  You can leave them thank you notes and ratings, along with a tip right on the app, and I have done that several times.

Sorry there were no fun pictures to share for this particular post folks, but this is just what was on my mind right now.  Next up look forward to some Suzy Doozer style Shenanigans, that totally required an Uber!


*****If you or someone you know is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, please be responsible and do not operate a motor vehicle.****




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