Back to the Real World…

When you come back from an epic vacation, there are some things that you would think most people do.  I am not most people, and I had to head back to work.  Super Lame.  I only had to work two days though, and I had two off again.  I was for some reason not all that in a hurry to unpack..sit in my house..or sit still even.  I still had the adventure in my spirit and I was looking for something new to try or do.  So on a really pretty, sunny and hot day I was about to learn something new and I know that some of y’all might laugh.  I was going to have my first lesson in ….cutting grass!

Handy Fellow had just gotten a new shiny lawn mower, and as I am not well versed in lawn care, this seemed like it would be hilarious fun.  I can say that I think I slowed him down a bit in the cutting of his front lawn ,and I can say that I was a little bored with it sooner than I thought I would be.  We had to move on to different tools and what nots because it just wasn’t as fun as I imagined. Soon enough we were in goggles and gloves tearing down insulation inside a wall he wants to remove.  Never a dull moment really!

The days after were a blur of work and same old same old.  I was getting restless fast.  I knew that something had to mix up the mundane routine, something fun and silly and involving my Shenanigans Squad.  That something was Cinco De Mayo! I had thought ahead and took the night off work, which to some might seem a bit extreme.  To me this is a holiday where I can eat tacos, drink margaritas and dance with my friends- attention must be paid!  So on that day we all met at a cute little Mexican place actually pretty close to where I live.  There were a few people already there that had been pre-gaming, and I settled in for a $3 margarita!  Once we were all assembled we started ordering some food.  I of course went with tacos and they were super yummy.  All sorts of different flavors were happening at the two tables we packed into, as well as drinks and shots galore.

After the food, after the shots..we were ready to dance!  This place had a tent with some awesome music playing outside in the parking lot (only in Jacksonville y’all) and we were ready to take it on.  I had at this point donned the bow tie of my Tarpon Travel Bestie.  The Kentucky Derby was the same day and he didn’t think the bow tie he scored out there really went with his shirt, so I put it on; as if it went with mine any better!!  We danced, we took pictures, we drank some more, and some of us (ok me) became so sweaty we needed to borrow a hair tie from the bartender to get our hair out of our face!

This grouping of people, as I have said in previous posts..they are my family now.  We may have all met thru Yelp and we all have different lives and careers, but we just blend.  When we all get together, everything is interesting and funny and we just have a great time.  I will know these people for the rest of my life, and they at one point were strangers in a crowd of name tags at an event I went to.  This is amazing to me.  And a little life changing as well.

Speaking of my Yelp crew, I never knew this but there is also the opportunity to attend events in nearby cities as well!  John had RSVP’d to an event in Gainesville, and asked if I wanted to come with him to….a Murder Mystery!! Well of course I did..and to make matters even more rad is the fact that it was a black tie, red carpet type of event, so we got to get all snazzed up! On the way, John says to me that he knows a great place we need to go and grab a drink before we got to the event.  It turned out to be a gas station…with a bar inside.  I know this sounds like it would be a little….not so fun, or that us in our formal wear would not fit in, but this wasn’t the case.  They had a wonderful craft beer selection, friendly staff, and we met the most colorful people out back while we sipped our beers and had a smoke. Someone even offered up a dry seat to me while they told me all about the different musical acts that come here to play! It was an amusing little stop and we went along our way to the murder!

This event was super swanky and very exciting. There was tons of different food vendors, a mystery punch and also our new characters to learn!  John and I maybe were not as into the mystery solving as we could have been, we were extremely busy socializing and noshing on yummy bites.  Also there were two other Jax Elites, so we made sure to pose for a picture to represent! When all the last delicious morsels had been devoured and all the cocktails sipped; the murder was solved and we were all saying our goodbyes. In true fashion John and I were not ready to head home yet and he said he would show me around Gainseville a little.  We ended up at a bar that looked slightly like a hunting lodge, and it was karaoke night.  Well it seems that we were a bit out of our element, as we are not same sex oriented; also we of course were in our evening wear.  A good time was had regardless, as we can be comfortable just about anywhere.  If I had been Cinderella that night, I would have most definitely turned into a pumpkin, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

So there you have it.  This was my goings on in the couple weeks after my big trip.  While it might not seem like the “Real World” to some, its just my life.  I have people in it that make being me all the more amazing and exhilarating.  It also tells me that even if I’m not on a treck across the country, or taking in sights in a new tropical setting, there is always an adventure out there for me.  Maybe its learning to cut grass and laughing the whole time, maybe its a margarita with pals in a parking lot.  Whatever it is…I’m here to take it all in, and make each day one to remember.


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