Something to Taco ’bout…

I cant really remember when it happened.  I know it has been more than a year or so now.  There must have just been a moment where all was right in the world and something shifted.  I don’t have that many memories from my childhood of them, and I was not always so fixated.  It now borders on an obsession, a love affair, a real connection if you will.  What we are talking about here folks….is tacos.  I love them.  I like beef, chicken, seafood-you name it and I will try it.  There is of course the soft shell or hard shell debate, and while I am a fan of the soft shell; I will eat a hard one from time to time. The soft shells do make for easy transport if you happen to be out and about instead of sitting in a restaurant. There is something so perfect about the taco.  Let’s face it..there are of course, bad and ugly tacos.  I have encountered them, and its always terrible.  But what I want to taco ’bout are the good ones.


The best tacos I have ever had were in the Bahamas while on a cruise with my Mom.  They were fish tacos with a chimichurri sauce that was out of this world at a place called Bearded Clam.  I ate them as if they were the last meal I would ever have.  Since then, I have enjoyed shrimp tacos from a food truck that kind of changed my life, beef tacos from a local little spot that are always a go to, and also some of the most amazing different combinations of flavors you can think to put on a tortilla.  I once read the list of the best tacos in the United States. One of them- number 5 I think, was in Charlotte, NC.  Well my sister and her fam live there, and I was going to be visiting them around the time I read this list.  Even though it was’nt really that close to where they live, they made sure I got there! My nephew likes tacos a lot too, and they even do taco nights on the regular at their house.  This place was called Pablos Tacos, and  was really good.  They also  did table side guacamole, which I love.  As always, take a look at my reviews on Yelp for all the tacos I’ve loved before, and head on over to Amazon for the rad shirt!


A few years ago, probably before the taco obsession really, I read an article about recipes that Former First Lady Michelle Obama liked to make.  It was in like, healthy living, or shape magazine, maybe better homes and gardens.  Any way, there was a recipe for tacos and I said to myself- self, you must create this.  They had ground turkey with a combination of seasonings that was awesome, there was red cabbage with a oil and vinegar situation tossed on it, and it was all piled onto soft tortillas.  What started as me wanting to try something new, turned insane really fast. I was eating Obama tacos at least once a week, I was packing them so often for work lunch that people became concerned if I was eating anything else.  I had to take a break from them, but just writing this right now makes me want to cook some up!


Being someone that enjoys trying new places to eat, drink and be merry; I am always on Yelp hearing about places to get tacos that I have not had before.  There are several places that I have book marked to try, and if you ever find yourself getting tacos in Jacksonville please give me a shout and let me know.  I can jump in the Doozer Mobile and be en route pretty quickly when the T word is mentioned.  I call this my quest for the best.  Will I have tacos that top those delicious ones in the Bahamas? Will I find the perfect blend of crisp veggies and seasoned meat? Will I someday soon sit down to the taco to change the taco game?  Tell me where your faves are, and what I simply must have.  Let’s taco bout it y’all!

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