Eat, Work, Kill

These three things may not seem to go together, but a week in my life can get a little crazy at times..although I love the book (and movie) Eat Pray seems that Eat Work Kill is a bit more my style.


I have been for a few years now, attending events with know the website you go to and read how much someone else loved or hated the place you’re about to eat at.  Well after reading many reviews and drooling over pictures, I started Yelping it up myself, and was also invited to be a member of the “Yelp Elite” group.  I can go to cool events and be treated to some really awesome eats and treats.  Thru Yelp, I also started hanging with some pretty rad foodies here in town.  I always meet someone new that can tell me where the best places to eat and drink are.  I was added to the social media group called the Nom Noms, and let me tell you these people throw DOWN.  I have been to pizza tastings, empanada dinners, middle-eastern feasts, and many more.  My friend Nate (who makes awesome you tube videos-natedoesfood) sets up events all over town at cool restaurants and we all get together to enjoy a meal and some friendship.  The most recent one was at a Holiday Inn.  I will be honest and say that I didn’t even know that the hotel chain also had a dining room and catering menu.  When I saw that it was a night off work, and it was a southern meal, I did not waste time getting my ticket.  This meal was amazing, and Ill let you drool over some pictures yourself.  I also sat next to maybe one of the most hilarious chicks.  Her name is Katrice, we have spent a few events cracking each other up, and she has a blog you should check out too!  We laughed so hard at each other we were in tears. Head over to www. to see her fabulous self, and also take a look at all my fun reviews on Yelp, or Tripadvisor.





Having a job where you have to be at work on holidays, and when everyone else seems to be either out with friends or enjoying family time, it can suck sometimes.  This job is not something that just anyone can do, and the stress of it can be even worse when you constantly feel like you’re being alienated from the rest of society.  This year Halloween fell on a night that I was working, and we were told that we were allowed to dress up in a work appropriate costume if we wanted to.  I wasn’t actually planning on dressing up, and then we came up with the idea to dress as a gang of inmates. Working for the Sheriff’s Office, next to the jail-it became too funny not to participate in.  The day of, six of us rolled up with orange prison costumes, fake tattoos, and props.  It made for great photo ops, and we had a lot of fun trying to keep straight faces in prison poses!

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I was walking into my apartment after being out with Waylon one morning, and a HUGE bug followed us inside.  I was so shocked, that I just screamed and jumped up on the couch, still in uniform complete with boots.  So I lose track of where it went during the panic, and just sat there trying to come up with a plan.  To make matters worse, my cell phone battery is at about 17%.  I quickly sent an SOS on Facebook in case I was going to be stuck there a while.  Waylon at this point is walking around looking for the bug, and I said “get up here buddy, we might just have to sit tight for a while” and he starts looking over the side of the couch.  The best battle strategy I could come up with was to crawl/stretch over to where my work bag was on a chair and find something in there to help kill this thing.  So I find what I think will be the best weapon, and I wait.  I wait for the enemy to show his face, and when he did Waylon starts barking and told him to hush.  He went from his regular barking volume to a really quiet one, as if he were barking under his breath with attitude.  I had found in my bag, a travel hairspray and doused the intruder with it to slow him down and then I leapt off the couch and started stomping him into the ground, while I screamed like Private Joker on Full Metal Jacket. This whole ordeal took maybe an hour start to finish, but will be remembered for quite some time.



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