My Good Ol’ Boy..

If you have spoken to me for more than a few hours, there are several things you will hear a lot about.  Today I am celebrating one of them.  Seven years ago, a little doggy with big brown eyes came into my life, and things were never the same again.  My boy is called many different things-doggy pants, booger butt, my sidekick ect.  His given name is Waylon, after the legendary country musician Waylon Jennings.  My little Chihuahua mix guy had a rough start to his life, and he needed someone that would care for him, love him, and protect him.  I was still at that time in my life (and to this day, honestly) coping with the loss of my Father, and I needed the puppy breath kisses and snuggles that he would come to provide.  Waylon ensures that I smile at least once a day, and he is one of the best things I have ever done in my life.  He made me a mama, and has taught me many things about myself.


Mr Doggy Pants has traveled with me to North Carolina to visit my sister, brother in law and nephew, he has met his Grandma when she came to visit from Pennsylvania, and had my cousins from South Florida wrapped around his paw in no time!  He has had sleepovers with friends and coworkers while I have gone on trips, and everyone always wants to keep him!  I have had parties to celebrate my little one in years past, and all of his little friends have a great time with him, along with his fan base on social media.  I guess you could say Waylon is pretty loved by all!


I could tell stories about him for hours.  There is the time that he put all my shoes on the couch while I was at work, the fact that he picks the yellow pieces out of his food to eat before he eats the other colors, him having to be carried up and down the stairs at my sister’s house, or the souvenirs he gets when Mommy travels.  The house looks like a toddler lives there, since there are toys all over, and what started as NO dogs on the furniture ever, quickly changed.  He now lounges on the chaise, snoozes on the ottoman, and from time to time takes up more space in the bed than I do!  I love to take him to see Santa or the Easter Bunny, he has been in a doggy pageant, and goes to little celebrations here in Jacksonville called Yappy Hour.  Waylon has lots of cute shirts, costumes, and jackets-also a sweater my sister made for him!!


The thing that I love the most about Waylon is that we have come to know each other so well.  He really is my little side kick.  When I am sick, or upset about anything, he knows it, and makes sure to give me extra kisses.  When he doesn’t feel good, this mommy jumps into action right away.  The vet office has heard a few times “Hi, this is Susan..Waylons mom.”  There have certainly been some hard times, and some sad times, but there have been tons of great times over the last seven years.  My little pumpkin has been there with me every step of the way.  He has a personality all his own, and can sometimes get a little fussy..but is also the smartest doggy ever!!


I never really thought I would end up a “dog person”. I had cats in my life for years.  Even still I sometimes don’t know if I really like dogs, or if it’s really just Waylon specific.  Either way, I know that we were put in each other’s lives for a reason, we needed each other.  I had to work this weekend, so he got some treats and extra snuggles on his special day and I’ll figure out something fun for us to do on my next days off.  Maybe we will go to the park, maybe make some home-made treats with the dog treat maker my sister got him, maybe I will take him back to camp Bow Wow to play with some friends, or to one of our favorite places with outdoor seating.  Whatever it is, we will be together, and that’s our favorite place to be.  I love you Waylon!!


7 thoughts on “My Good Ol’ Boy..

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  1. He’s so tiny! Very thoughtful and loving post, you’re definitely one of the best fur moms out there! I CANNOT believe it has been 7 years…. seriously…. where does all the time go.

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