Under my Umbrella..ella, ella


Well there I was, when it happened…When you live in Jacksonville Florida, you get used to the idea of rain and winds.  I would love to tell you that this is all dancing in the rain in cute outfits and swinging umbrellas around looking fabulous while listening to Rhianna music, but I would be lying.  It can get pretty brutal.  I however, have never actually seen a hurricane in action.  When I first moved here, I was in the Navy; any time there was even the slightest threat of a storm, we went out to sea to avoid it.  Since then there has only been smaller storms, nothing that has had a terrible effect on the city.  There was what they thought was a hurricane a month or so ago, but it turned out to be nothing more than a little rain. This time really did seem different.  Hurricane Matthew was heading right for us. The fact that I work for the Sheriff’s Office here adds a little bit more urgency to the situation.  I am still expected to report to work, and drive in the conditions that are not safe.  When everyone is being told to evacuate, I have to stay, and when everyone is told that under no circumstances should you be out on the roads, there is me and the Doozer Mobile crossing a bridge that is possibly about to get shut down.

The day before Hurricane Matthew was going to hit was a day off for me, but I began to get text messages and voice mails telling me that I needed to report to work early.  I work 12 hour nights as a 911 Dispatcher, and you can imagine that being told you need to come in earlier and work longer- none of us were too impressed.  It was stressed to us that we should get to work by a certain time, to ensure our safety in traveling downtown to our headquarters. I already had my bags packed with the idea that I might be stuck there for several days to ride out the storm, and I already had a plan in action for my beloved doggy.  I dropped him off with my friend, armed with his tiny raincoat, some toys and food.  I then packed my belongings up and headed to my car.  I was met outside by a maintenance man INSISTING to me that it was too dangerous to be outside and to get back in my apartment.  I said-I have to go to work Sir, you don’t know my life!  The drive was not a fun one.  I was on the roads almost entirely alone.  There was an eery silence, tree limbs down, flooding in the streets, and a general feeling of-what the hell am I doing out in this mess?  I did arrive safe and sound at the Police Memorial Building, got a really quick debrief,  and started the 16 hour work day.  Stay tuned for what I am sure will be a fun filled sequel of Hurricane fun!


9 thoughts on “Under my Umbrella..ella, ella

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      1. We are doing pretty good. I will be heading to New Orleans next Saturday to visit my two boys. My youngest turns 25 on 01/21/17 & I will be there to celebrate with him and the family. I will get to see my grand daughter, Kilie as well and my daughter n law, Britt. Happy New Year!


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