Tools, Tires, and Noopept



So I am a firm believer that you should always challenge yourself, learn new things and refresh knowledge that hasn’t been used recently.  I also happen to think that there are a limited amount of people that will actually take the time to teach you something and not make you feel like an idiot, even if that is their job.  This weekend I didn’t have anything else to do than to go to class on Saturday morning.  Yeah  Saturday morning I have a three hour Science lecture.  So after that I went to the house of a very handy fellow, that happens to know a crap ton about tools, and has approximately three different shop areas in his house/carport.  He’s one of those people that are constantly impressing you with a knowledge base, and came across that knowledge honestly.  Its interesting for me to hang out with people that know so much, as I tend to think I know very little.  Well anyway, I go to hang out with him and we have plans for him to teach me some stuff about tools, go over tire changing, and also make tacos.  I should point out that we have been talking about making tacos for months and never get to it.  I’m bummed about this only cause I really love tacos, and because hes a good cook, but i digress. He showed me some really basic tools, and some projects that hes working on, and then we moved on to something a little more intimidating..i mean, there were safety goggles was a miter saw.  I can say that even though I did successfully cut a piece of wood, this saw was not my friend.  Its loud, it feels like its going to fly out of your hand, and it made me nauseous in general.  I feel bad cause kind of after that I was not to into the tools anymore.  He showed me a table saw, and that also seemed like I may end up with a lesser amount of fingers than I started with-not cool.  I did learn a few things, and I think I might try the table saw next time.  After this we sat around talking about everything in the world, cause that’s just what we do, and I started getting tired.  Did I mention that I had a THREE HOUR Science lecture that morning? Well the guy is strangely intelligent in supplements and vitamins, and gave me something called Noopept.  Its a “smart drug”..totally legal and can be used to enhance focus and energy levels.  I had previously said that I was concerned about taking something I wasn’t familiar with because- what if I ended up in Utah?  I’m not really sure why I chose Utah, and it gave us a fun time trying to list things that actaully ARE there.. Well after watching some reviews on Youtube and reading some of the research he has done, I took the Noopept, and waited.  Pretty soon I did have a ton of energy, I did feel like I was focused..the only issue is that I was focusing on all the wrong things and cracking up (like literally unable to breathe) at stuff like this guy on Youtube saying that he was not quippy..yes the word quippy had my dying.  So in all this I knew I had to DO SOMETHING or else I would just be there all focused on silly things, so we moved on to..Tire Changing!  I had just recently gotten a flat tire while at school and it dawned on me that I am totally incapable of changing a tire.  So he pulls out my spare, and my jack, and my tire iron and very patiently walked me through all the steps and techniques of changing a tire, adding some life lessons in there while he did.  I did end up with a smear of dirt on my face, and that was the only time he laughed at me, even though I was seriously struggling..tire changing, along with saws, are apparently not my strong points..but you know what..I did it..I learned some new stuff..I gave it my best shot, and I did NOT end up in Utah!!



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