And so it begins..

Something tells me that when you want to start, you just do it.  I have over the years, maybe grown tired of waiting for the right time, or the right circumstance.  When you wait, all you do is make it really easy to make excuses as to why something isn’t the way you want it to be.  There have been things that take time in order for them to come together, and being patient is a virtue, (one you will learn I have a limited amount of) but when you have steps that you could take, and you don’t, that’s when it holds you back.  What if you spent your whole life waiting for something, and if you had taken just one step forward, the perfect life was there the whole time.?

The last two years or so of my life, I decided that I just wasn’t waiting anymore.  That choice has made all the difference in my level of happiness and fulfillment.  I have done things I never thought I would, or could.  I have been immensely happy, I have faced tragedy.  I have seen, touched, tasted, and felt a spectrum of things that doesn’t happen to just everyone.  So I made the decision to share it.  I can promise you that you will laugh, sometimes at me.  You will think more about at least one thing I talk about.  You will be hungry, probably in search of a new restaurant.  You will more than likely leave with a song in your head.  I look forward to taking you along on my next journeys, and I can not wait to see just where this life takes me.

That’s just a little something I’m working on..



18 thoughts on “And so it begins..

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    1. Thank you so much for the support!! I hope to bring you some hilarious or thoughtful or just plain rad reads..for years to come!! xoxo, Suzy Doozer


  1. Takig the first step is the hardest, I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become and everything will hopefully continue to get better. If at any point you need an escape, to clear your head, to come paint this town purple with me, or just a quick weekend vacay, you got a free place to stay in Dallas! Looking forward to future entries


    1. Thanks love, I really do want to visit TX..but more like the San Antonio area i think…I will hope to be posting a few times a week!! XOXO, Suzy Doozer


  2. This is a good step toward your future endeavors! I will look forward to reading your take on things you experience!


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